The availability of the customer and tech support that a shared website hosting company offers can tell you a lot about the services that they offer as well. When you're allowed to use just e-mail messages and / or tickets, you have most likely found a reseller and not the actual hosting supplier. When this is the case, you will have to wait for a couple of days so as to get an issue resolved since your reseller may not be checking their communication on a regular basis or they may have to consult with the true website hosting company for extra help. When the provider provides you with different means of communication with fast response time that are available anytime, they are almost certainly the top provider, not just a reseller. Which means that you will enjoy well-timed assistance and high quality support as they will have direct access to the servers where your account will be created. Regardless of the issue - sales or technical, it is generally much better to be able to contact your hosting company right away by using your preferred way of communication.
24/7 Customer Support in Shared Website Hosting
We acknowledge the importance of receiving assistance in a timely manner, so our shared website hosting services include 24/7 support and several means of communication. If you don't have an account yet, you can easily call us or come on our live chat and speak with a live representative, in order to inquire about our services or check if our servers meet the system requirements for your web sites. Thus, you'll never end up ordering a service that you cannot use effectively. If you already have your hosting account with us, you can open a support ticket in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel in the event that the issue is strictly technical or it requires additional investigation. Unlike the vast majority of suppliers out there, we answer to all the tickets within one hour, so you will not need to wait for an entire day. Our support services are available twenty-four-seven, even during public holidays.
24/7 Customer Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Regardless of the semi-dedicated server that you select, you will be able to reap the benefits of our 24/7 tech support services even on official holidays. Your websites will be available all the time and so will we. With a lot of contact options, you will be able to select the easiest way to contact us and learn more about our solutions if you don't have an account yet, or get assistance if you are already our customer. You are able to phone us, have a chat with a live agent, send an e-mail message or open a support ticket from the Help section of the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. The previous two options come with a one-hour answer time warranty, though it rarely takes more than 20 mins to get assistance regardless of the nature of the trouble. Using our customer and tech support services, we'll be there for you whenever you need us, not a few days afterwards.
24/7 Customer Support in VPS
If you get a virtual private server through our company, you can use a couple of different means of communication to get in touch with our Customer and Tech Support Departments. For pre-sales, billing and general matters, we have several local phone numbers in the U.S.A., Great Britain and Australia along with a live chat service. If you're an existing customer and you're looking for assistance with some technical issue which requires more time to investigate or resolve, you'll be able to open a ticket through your billing account or you'll be able to send an e-mail and we will take care of the issue and send you an answer within one hour. The response time is warranted 24/7, which includes holidays and weekends, yet for most problems it takes no more than half an hour to receive assistance. The support service covers the VPS plus all the pre-installed software it comes with, so if you'd like to have help with third-party software, you'll be able to check the optional Managed Services upgrade that we supply.
24/7 Customer Support in Dedicated Hosting
When you aquire a dedicated server from us, you're able to contact us anytime using different channels and the maximum time that you'll have to wait for a reply is approximately 1 hour, which means that you can forget all about waiting a whole day. Our customer and technical support service is available 24/7 regardless of whether it's a weekend or a holiday and we will support you with anything related to the apps which are pre-installed on the server. To get in touch with us about a tech matter, you're able to open a support ticket through the Help section of your billing Control Panel or you could send us an email. In case you have any kind of common questions or you would like to learn more about our solutions before you order, you may also employ our live chat or you can call one of the local numbers that we have in different countries worldwide. In the event that you'd like to have help with third-party software that you are unable to install or manage efficiently, you will be able to add the Managed Services upgrade to your current plan and our system administrators will assist you.