Being able to easily manage your domain names is pretty essential and can contribute to your user experience as a web hosting client. The solutions that a lot of web hosting companies use are not very simple to work with, so you can frequently find yourself in a situation where you need to switch between separate admin consoles to complete a given task, even if you’ve got one domain name. Not only is this annoying, but it also takes much more time and energy compared to having an all-embracing system where you can access everything you need without signing in and out all the time. For instance, registering a brand new domain name, hosting it and uploading the web files pertaining to it involves the use of at least two separate admin consoles, all the more so if you are using the most popular hosting platforms out there.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Shared Website Hosting
The Domain Manager tool, which is built into our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel and which is included with every shared website hosting package, will grant you total control over your domains. Not only can you carry out regular tasks such as registering or renewing a domain, updating the WHOIS data or enabling Whois Privacy Protection, but you can also take advantage of more advanced options such as creating an email, an FTP account or a database, checking visitor and traffic statistics or accessing the DNS records for any domain name registered under your account. Apart from the convenience of having everything in one location, another notable strength of our tool is that all the functions are remarkably easy to access and to use, so you can take advantage of it even if you’ve never used a web hosting package before.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You’ll be able to manage your domain names seamlessly if you order a Linux semi-dedicated hosting package from us. The Domain Manager tool, which is integrated into our custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel, includes a lot of features that will enable you to do everything you want with just a couple of clicks of the mouse. Aside from the typical options that you’d expect from such a tool, such as registering and renewing a domain, updating the WHOIS details or enabling Whois Privacy Protection, you will also have access to more advanced options through quick-access buttons. In this way, you can effortlessly create an email account, access your web files, examine traffic statistics or purchase a Secure Sockets Layer certificate for any of your domains. All these options are available in one location and regardless of the fact that the Domain Manager is an advanced tool, it is intuitive enough to be used by persons with little or no experience.