Monthly Traffic
What do web hosts mean by saying ?monthly traffic??
The monthly site traffic function is sometimes referred to as info transfer or bandwidth as well, yet all of these terms have to do with the same thing - what amount of info can be transferred to and from a shared website hosting account. The traffic can be generated in two ways, the more apparent one being site visits. If someone opens your web site, their browser requests and downloads the pages from the web hosting server then displays them on their end. The more website visitors you have, the more outgoing traffic is generated from your hosting account. Since this particular feature contains the entire website traffic, not only the site visits, you shouldn't forget that incoming traffic is measured too. This means website content along with other files that you upload to the account through a file manager or an FTP software are measured towards your account quota. Your transfer is usually monitored per month and the counter resets on the first day of each month regardless of your actual date of registration.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Website Hosting
The monthly website traffic quota for all our
shared website hosting packages is sufficient for any type of website. Whether you have a blog, a community forum or eCommerce portal, how much info can be transferred to and from your account or hitting some modest allowance cap will not be an explanation for your sites to be unavailable. We also provide in-depth website traffic information, which means that you will be able to keep track of how much info is being downloaded at any time. The hourly, daily and monthly statistics will give you an idea how the websites perform, which files produce the most website traffic and much more useful details which can help you take care of your web sites plus your account altogether. The stats can be seen with just a couple of mouse-clicks in your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All our semi-dedicated server packages can host a number of resource-demanding sites since they come with a great deal of computing power. Such web sites often generate a lot of website traffic and that's why we have made the decision not to limit this characteristic. Using a
semi-dedicated server, you'll be able to have as many visitors as you can get without worrying that you will get to some limit for the website traffic they can produce. To save you time, you will be able to monitor what is going on in the account because we will give you monthly, daily and hourly stats for the website traffic your websites produce. This means that, you will have an idea of how they operate any time. You'll even be able to view which page or file has generated most of the traffic for each web site hosted in your semi-dedicated server account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS
The monthly website traffic quota that you receive with our
Linux VPS packages is sufficient for almost any site and it's proportional to all the rest of the system resources that come with each and every plan. With a more powerful server, you'll be able to run a wide range of websites or a couple of really popular web sites, thus the website traffic allowance for the higher plans is also higher. When you start with a low-end VPS package, you can easily upgrade at any moment with several clicks from your billing Control Panel and the supplementary resources will be included in your current account, along with the added traffic allowance. The VPS accounts come with a server management panel where you can monitor the used and remaining site traffic for the current month along with all the other resources. In addition, we send announcements when you reach 90% of the limit, so you will have sufficient time to react and upgrade if necessary.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
The monthly traffic allowance which comes with our
dedicated server packages is sufficient for any type of web site whatever its type. Your web applications can make terabytes of site traffic, which guarantees that all of your website visitors will never notice any type of error message on your site because of limited quota like it may happen with various types of hosting. Also, we leave the possibility to upgrade your traffic amount open, but it's highly unlikely that you'll ever need it even if you would like to operate a file sharing website or a video streaming portal. The server management Control Panel gives you precise live information what amount of data has been transmitted for the month to date, and how much remains until you get to the cap. We'll also alert you any time you reach 90% of the allowance in order to be on the safe side and avoid any downtime of your sites. The information in our panel contains the total traffic, plus software downloads, so that it's more accurate than the one in your web hosting Control Panel where you are able to view details only about the traffic developed by web content.